These blue bird pictures are a special thanks and a shout out to our heroes who are medical personnel fighting against the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
WHO has ended the state of emergency. The efforts of everyone involved in COVID-19 will continue. We are forever grateful to all of you.
The Blue Birds series has been posted for three years since April 2020. This is the final post for the Blue Birds series.
医療関係ヒーローへの青い鳥No. 165 Blue bird No. 165 for he... 投稿者:
KAICHO 投稿日:2023/04/30(Sun) 18:54 No.24214
新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の感染対策と拡大防止に努めて下さっている医療関係者の皆様への感謝と応援の気持ちをこめた「青い色」の鳥画像です。 These blue bird pictures are a special thanks and a shout out to our heroes who are medical personnel fighting against the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
医療関係ヒーローへの青い鳥No. 164 Blue bird No. 164 for hero... 投稿者:
KAICHO 投稿日:2023/04/23(Sun) 18:27 No.24211
新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の感染対策と拡大防止に努めて下さっている医療関係者の皆様への感謝と応援の気持ちをこめた「青い色」の鳥画像です。 These blue bird pictures are a special thanks and a shout out to our heroes who are medical personnel fighting against the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
医療関係ヒーローへの青い鳥No. 163 Blue bird No. 163 for hero... 投稿者:
KAICHO 投稿日:2023/04/16(Sun) 17:05 No.24210
新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の感染対策と拡大防止に努めて下さっている医療関係者の皆様への感謝と応援の気持ちをこめた「青い色」の鳥画像です。 These blue bird pictures are a special thanks and a shout out to our heroes who are medical personnel fighting against the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.